The City Chicks

The life and times of a couple of urban farmgirls!

Oh so sweet… July 28, 2010

Filed under: From our Kitchen — Flour Girls & City Chicks @ 9:14 am

Sweet Corn that is.  Yes, I did have the best intentions this weekend of blogging and sewing but instead I spent some time in the kitchen and at Sur La Table.   I LOVE Sur La Table! So much so that I went twice.  They have everything and more when it comes to handy kitchen gadgets to make my life easier. 

Friday Todd and Donovan did all the hard work of picking this load of corn.  Which left me to either get it prepared for canning or for freezing.  I don’t have a pressure cooker to can the corn so I froze it.  I always find that putting up food is a bit time-consuming.  However, it is really worth it and I hope that in time I will learn to do it faster.  Twenty  jars later though I realized how much faster it went this time.  Thanks to the OXO Good Grips corn peeler.

Which brings me to a summer give-away here at the urban homestead!  Since it is already or soon to be time for the sweet corn harvest around the U.S. I thought I would give you all a chance to win a few of my favorite sweet corn related items.  It will include that nifty corn peeler I now love so much, a Butter-boy for gliding butter over that hot cob of corn, a set of Zyliss interlocking corn holders so you can easily find a pair and a set of Ball freezer jars.  These freezers jars are great…they are BPA free and they stack, lock together and store great.  As always you will find an additional surprise that is not listed.  So how do you get this little corn starter package.  It is easy!  Either you can leave a comment and tell me your favorite corn recipe  & no you don’t have to list the recipe directions, unless you want to or you can subscribe to the blog.  The winner will be chosen on August 10th. 




13 Responses to “Oh so sweet…”

  1. Gail Telecky Says:

    My favorite corn recipe for the season is Succotash – the recipe is:
    3 cups cooked green beans
    3 cups of sweet corn
    2 Tablespoons butter
    1/2 medium onion – chopped
    1/2 lb. bacon – cut into pieces
    salt, pepper and garlic salt (or garlic powder) to taste

    Brown bacon and onion until fully cooked.
    Add green beans, corn, butter, salt, pepper & garlic salt to taste, you may have to add a small amount of liquid if needed.
    Cook for a few minutes until slightly caramelized. Yum!

    This makes quite a bit – but if your family likes it, it is never enough.

  2. Luanne Says:

    Hi Christina!

    My favorite corn recipe is corn & egg pie. These individual size pies are baked and then served in a bowl with warm milk & butter poured over them – yummy!



  3. Karrieann Says:

    My favorite corn recipe is Grilled Corn in Husk!!!!! mmmmm!

  4. Sherone Says:

    My favorite corn recipe is the corn relish in MaryJane’s Ideabook. It really is fabulous. If you haven’t tried it yet, you need to.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  5. Liz Says:

    I love corn relish. I am so anxious to put some up this year!

  6. melody Says:

    That is sooo funny—-Eli and I just came inside with a colander full of freshly shucked sweet corn! Don’t you just love summer veggies??

    Succotash recipe sounds just like my Gramma’s—YUMM!

  7. June Deese Says:

    I love Fried Corn……yum….this is a southern dish…so simple
    have already put corn in freezer…
    wonderful give away!!

  8. Denise Says:

    I actually have two favorite corn dishes. One is corn chowder which I make a lot in the cooler months and the other is grilled in the husk corn. I also love corn pudding!
    What a great giveaway. thanks for the opportunity to join in.

  9. Kris Sherrill Says:

    Christina, I love just plain ole fried silver queen corn. I love it!

  10. Angela Burnette Says:

    My favorite corn recipe is fried corn, but it has to be white corn. And it has to be fried in real butter with just a tiny bit of minced garlic and a dash of sea salt and hot sauce. Oh it’s so yummy!

  11. Diana Poulton Says:

    Just corn with lots of butter and salt. Thats my Favorite.

  12. Angie Says:

    My favorite corn recipe is “fresh fried corn”
    Slice it off the cob and rinse. Put it in a pan with a little bit of bacon grease add a few chopped red and green peppers and a little dried onion and some garlic. Fry it up until it just starts turning golden brown.

  13. Erin Says:

    Hi Christina! What a great giveaway & at such a great time! My all time favorite and my family’s favorite corn recipe is called Spaghetti Corn. Corn, cheese, and butter what’s not to love about that!

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